Entre Nous

25 mars, 2010

Pronoms personnels

Filed under: GRAMMAIRE — db @ 9:30
Subject Direct Object Indirect Object Disjunctives
je I me (muh) me me to me moi (mwah) me
tu you te (tuh) you te to you toi (twah) you
il he le him lui (lwee) to him lui him
elle she la her lui to her elle her
nous we nous us nous to us nous us
vous you vous you vous to you vous you
ils they les them leur to them eux (uh) them
elles they les them leur to them elles them

  • The subject pronouns go before the conjugated verb forms.
  • The direct and indirect Objectpronouns go before the verb unlike in English.
  • They also go after the ne in a negative sentence and right before the verb.
  • The disjunctive always go after prepositions, or can beused alone for emphasis.

Exemples :

I buy some pants. J’achète des pantalons.
I buy them. Je les achète.
I give the box to you. Je vous donne la boîte.
I give it to you. Je vous la donne.
After you. (familiar) Après toi.
We go with her. Nous allons avec elle.
He doesn’t leave her. Il ne la quitte pas.
He leaves her. Il la quitte.
I love you. Je t’aime. or Je vous aime.
She doesn’t love him. Elle ne l’aime pas.

Note: When you have more than one pronoun; me, te, nous,or vous come first, then le, la, or les, then luior leur. Me, te, le, and la contract to m’,t’, and l’ when they precede a vowel, the same way je does. In commands, the pronouns go after the verb, connected with a hyphen. And the pronoun order changes a little too:  Le, la, orles come first; then moi, toi, (Me and te become moi and toiin commands) nous, or vous; then lui, or leur.

If you have pronouns, they go before the complete verb in regularsentences; but after the ne and before the form of avoir innegative sentences.

Nous lui avons parlé. We spoke to him/her.
Vous en avez écouté trois. You’ve listened to three of them.
Je t’ai demandé du pain. I asked you for some bread.
Il ne l’a pas aimé. He didn’t like it/her/him.
Tu n’y as pas habité. You didn’t live there.
Je ne vous ai pas parlé. I didn’t speak (or haven’t spoken) to you.
Nous ne l’avons pas fini. We didn’t finish (or haven’t finished)  it.

In the passé composé with avoir, direct objectpronouns only must agree in gender and number with the past participle.

Je les ai aimés. I liked them.
Il l’a regardée. He watched her.
Elles nous ont écouté(e)s. They listened to us.

Note: Add an e if the pronoun is feminine, and ans if it is plural.  The l’ could mean him or her,so you might not need to put the extra e on the past participle. The same for nous and vous.  They must have an s becausethey are plural, but it is unclear as to whether they are masculine or feminine.

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